About Us
One of the challenges that all businesses will face at some point is how to access additional operational support, without breaking the bank. The need for support could stem from burning the candle at two ends, or perhaps as a business owner you just wnat to focus on the business and not worry about the admin, compliance and other bits and pieces that suck time (not to mention life).
As a business owner, choices are grim: a) carry on with the one-man show, b) hire someone and watch the bottom line reduce, taken by wages and other employment costs, c) hire a contractor where the size of the job is not quite right for their time investment.
What is there was another, more efficient, solution?
At Nexus Consulting & Services we offer just that!
We won't tie you into long-term agreements. We will work on smaller periodic needs as well as regular long-term ones, all in a way designed to help you balance the bottom line with having more hands on deck when you need it most.